Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jejemons, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Many spoofs of international television programs and media outputs inclined towards the Jejemon phenomenon have been circulating online. To be particular, the Jejemon cyber text language has been thoroughly discussed in various public programs like Showtime, Saksi, TV Patrol World, etc. Nonetheless, the sizzling talks end up online through blogs, forums, chat messengers, SMS, and social networks like Facebook, Friendster and Twitter.

Don't be surprised if Justin Bieber tweets everyone and asks what a Jejemon is.

It cannot be denied that this phenomenon has had direct implications to society which is evident in the image below. It presents a spoof of an international game, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, wherein the player becomes troubled trying to decode the question being asked of him.

Photo Courtesy: Blog on my Mind

Now, I would like to ask you. If you were in his place, would you still want to answer the question?  What do you think is the right answer? Would you want to be in it to win it?? Would you want to study the Jejenese language and be familiar with terms like:

JejeDEX, Anti-Jejemon, Jejebusters, Jejeball, Jejemon Fashion, Jejemon Looks, Jejemon culture, Jejemon style, Jejeworld, Jologs-inator, Jeje Statements, Jejemon, Jeje Alphabet, Jeje Nazis, Digimon, Pokemon, Jejemon Blog, Bebemon, Jejemonism, word of the year, Jejedex Contest, Jejemon Blog Contest, Jejemon Blog Contest 2010, Jejemon Contest, Jejemon Living, Jejemon Society, Jejemon World, Jejemon on Saksi, Jejenese, Jejetyping, Jologs, Jeje Cap, Jeje Keyboard, Jeje Scooter, Jejemonism... and counting?

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