Sunday, May 30, 2010

How to Spot a Jejemon

Aside from using the Jejedex, to unmask the real face of a Jejemon, one should be able to determine a Jejemon's unique abilities. 

First, they jibe with the songs of Soulja Boy, but to differentiate it from avid fans of SB, always bear in mind that Jejemons want to draw the crowds' attention by increasing the volume of the music being played while driving their Jejescooter or Jejecycle with their Jejegirl/ boyfriends. Another movement to detect Jejemons is through browsing each one's friendster or facebook profile. Yeah, I understand what you mean, but if you really care to know more about them (or be one of them), stalk them! Or else, they will stalk you.  Yes, Jejemons possess the ability to hyper stalk at anyone they think is nice to them and would love to mingle with them  by first impression. The best ability, however, is the ability to Jejetype using their very own Jeje Alphabet, as described in previous posts presented by this blog.

Beware of Jejemons 'cause they're all around. Surely, they don't want to hurt anyone. They just want acceptance in this society where everyone tries to fit in.

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